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1337 Nepean Hwy, Cheltenham VIC 3192

Orthodontics at Your Dentistree

Orthodontics at Your Dentistree

Very few people are born with perfect teeth. Most people will consider orthodontic braces at some stage in their lives. Orthodontics can make a huge difference in appearance and dental health to you or your child. Often it can reduce pain, tooth wear, gum damage and speech issues associated with crooked teeth. 

Our Cheltenham dental practice uses the latest technology to ensure you leave with a beautiful, radiant and straight smile that you can be proud of. How can we assist you in enhancing your smile?

  1. Clear Braces and Invisalign
  2. Traditional Braces
  3. Inman Aligner 

Frequently asked questions:

Do I need orthodontic treatment?

You may be a candidate for treatment if you have any of the following:

  • Underbite where the lower teeth are too far forward or upper teeth too far back
  • Overbite where the upper teeth are too far forward or the lower teeth too far back
  • Crossbite is similarly where the upper teeth do not align in front of the lower teeth when biting
  • Crowding where there’s too many teeth present
  • Spacing such as gaps between the teeth
  • Midline mismatch where the centre of the front and lower teeth do not align


What does the treatment involve?

Thorough record taking of the teeth and jaw to diagnose and plan the treatment. Range of corrective devices include:

  • Dental braces involve small brackets attached to the front of each tooth with a wire threaded through. The consistent and gentle pressure allows the teeth to move into the correct position
  • Rubber bands may be applied for additional force in correcting the bite
  • Retainers to hold the teeth in their new position once braces come off


Why should I have orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment will straighten and move the teeth into an optimal position.  This improves their appearance, bite and oral health.

Where the teeth don’t meet correctly, this can place strain on the jaw muscles. Furthermore, this can lead to joint issues and occasionally headaches. Correcting the alignment of the bite will prevent damage to the teeth and preserve enamel.

Dr. Slav and the Your Dentistree team are always pleased to discuss the specifics of this process with any patient who is interested.

Please phone 9585 8282 for an appointment.


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