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Sugar Easter advice from Your Dentistree

Happy Easter everyone! This is usually one of my favourite times of the year, a chance to slow down, spend some time at home catching up with family and of course those beautifully wrapped chocolate treats left by the Easter bunny. This year is going to be a little different for most of us and although it may be a little quieter, I’m sure it won’t stop our large eared furry friend from delivering some Easter sugar treats.

Unfortunately, chocolate is loaded with sugar, and sugar can have a severely damaging effect on our teeth! There are roughly 14 teaspoons of added sugar in the average 100g milk chocolate bunny, and a 200g bunny has an average of 28 teaspoons! That’s 3 times the recommended daily intake for an average male adult according to The World Health Organisation (WHO).

The temptation to indulge in sugary treats is strong, especially during this period of downtime and that’s ok. You absolutely should enjoy their chocolatey goodness, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that those treats don’t have a detrimental effect on your teeth.

To protect your teeth this Easter and reduce the risk of decay (sugar bugs) remember the following:


Enjoy your Easter eggs in one sitting

This doesn’t mean go eat 10 eggs all at once! Instead have your sugary treat at one time, preferable with a meal. This works two-fold; when we eat, we naturally produce saliva, this helps break down and digest our food. But saliva also works as a protective mechanism to neutralise acids and wash away chocolate from teeth. Enjoying sugar in one sitting rather than snacking on it all day also lowers the amount of time our teeth are exposed to acid attacks.


Choose soft lollies/ chocolate over hard and dark chocolate over light

Hard, chewy lollies can get trapped in the grooves in our teeth as well as between our teeth, meaning they stay there for longer, prolonging the acid attack. Dark chocolate contains a higher percentage of cocoa bean husk then regular milk chocolate. Some studies show this to contain natural chemicals that can actually limit the effects of bacteria and fight plaque!!


Drink water after eating your Easter eggs

Tap water is the best because it contains fluoride which helps strengthen teeth. Water acts the same way as increased saliva to wash off excess acids from your teeth.


Brush your teeth 30 minutes after meals

When left, soft plaque (bacteria) combines with sugars causing acid which destroys the hard, protective layer of enamel on our teeth. Using a soft toothbrush with a toothpaste containing fluoride reduces the risk of decay and strengthens enamel. Waiting 30 minutes after eating allows time for the acids in our mouths to be neutralised so that we are not brushing them into the tooth surface.

From the team here at Your Dentistree, we wish you and your families a very happy and safe Easter.

Stay home, stay safe, wash your hands and remember to floss.


For more information on treating tooth decay please see


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